Unlike the still Pokemon sprites that were used in Ruby and Sapphire, Emerald has animated Pokemon sprites that end with the still sprite’s image. Both Sableye and Mawile are now available for trainers to catch. Both Lotad and Seedot’s evolutionary lines being available for capture. Emerald also makes gameplay changes that are connected to the story and other areas of the game like its post story content. With both their goals of awakening Groudon and Kyogre respectively realized, it falls on the player to awaken the legendary Pokemon Rayquaza to cease the other two Pokemon's battle. In Emerald, both Team Magma and Team Aqua are the culprits. Pokemon Emerald takes all the information from its predecessors and proceeds to set up its own unique story. RELATED: Pokemon: All the Differences Between Gold, Silver, and Crystal Gen 3’s mascots Groudon and Kyogre are split between Ruby and Sapphire, respectively with their likeness being that games' main box art. The Eon Duo are split with Latios in Ruby and Latias in Sapphire. The psychic rock Pokemon Solrock is available in Ruby, while its complimentary Lunatone takes its place in Sapphire. Zangoose is in Ruby but is swapped with its mortal enemy Seviper in Sapphire. Mawile is in Ruby but is replaced by Sableye in Sapphire. Nuzleaf will evolve into Shiftree and Lombre will evolve into Ludicolo when given a Leaf Stone and Water Stone, respectively. Both final evolutions of these lines require stones to evolve. Seedot and its evolutions are available in Ruby but not Sapphire while Lotad and its evolutions are available in Sapphire and not Ruby. This only includes a few Pokemon overall, but the list does feature a few particularly important members: Like its predecessors, Gen 3 has certain Pokemon that are available in Ruby but not Sapphire and vice versa. The major ways that Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire differ from each other comes through their game exclusive Pokemon. While their difficulty is not much different than villains in other games, their goals felt unique at the time. Each of these groups has their own costume design and unique leader. Aside from the villains and legendary Pokemon, the story aspects for Ruby and Sapphire remain almost identical.Īt the same time, Gen 3 is rather unique as it is the only time that two different Pokemon villain teams are the antagonist of the main stories in core games. In Ruby, the villainous Team Magma seeks to awaken the legendary ground-type Pokemon Groudon, while in Sapphire, it is Team Aqua that seeks to awaken the legendary water-type Pokemon Kyogre. Both games' main story is centered around the same premise, with only minor alterations to how it is told.
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire maintain a lot of similarities to each other through the geography of the region and their stories. RELATED: The Major Similarities and Differences Between Pokemon Red and Blue Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire In short, Emerald takes the foundation that Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire provided and then tears it down for a near complete remodel. The game makes large strokes with how its main story is done, both in its conflict and the conclusion, alters large swaths of post-game content, and unifies certain aspects of the Hoenn region that were divide in the original Ruby and Sapphire games. It begins to make more noticeable changes to Gen 3 in several different ways. Like every generation of Pokemon games, both Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire share similarities with only minor differences, something that changes with the series’ release of Pokemon Emerald.
This can be anything from individual Pokemon and their evolutions to story aspects to how whole areas of the game are approached. Much like the first two generations of Pokemon games, Gen 3 has aspects that are version exclusive to each of its individual titles. The third generation of Pokemon games, Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, and Pokemon Emerald, all feature a lot of similarities but stand out from each other with quite a few differences.